
Saturday, July 31, 2010

General Meeting

Date: 31/7/2010
Time: 10am-12pm
Venue: T21

Today we started the donation for Chon Kong. Of course, we will try our best to help as much as we can. So Chon Kong, you must stay strong.

As the club president, I was very disappointed to you, Leos. You all never understand what is the MOTTO of LEO. Just like Lion Alan said, you guys joined LEO for koko marks, pledge when everyone rise their hands. Is it this is what you guys want to have? Then, you may QUIT now. We don't have as much members as other schools, but we don't need the members who are only care for marks and fun, pledge when they see others rise their hand. This is not I want and that's NO point!

Since you are STILL a human being, you should understand the feeling of suffering. See Chon Kong, how is he suffering? I don't mean that I want to force all of you to get the donation, but club is not just belong to the president, it's belong to everyone. I can't do anything if everyone just come to the meeting, then just goyang kaki, talk and get the koko marks. I am also a human being, I have the limited of my strength, I need your help. So, don't be selfish. Give Chon Kong a chance.

Anyway, Good job to some LEOS who were give their cooperation. Thanks.

Chon Kong, Stay Strong.

Leo Yew Shu hwei
President 10/11

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